
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Bank of England to work with the new body cybersecurity

The first task of the new center of the UK Cyber ​​Security will work with the Bank of England, the government announced.

Work will include the establishment of standards for the financial sector in terms of sustainability of the type of cyber threats that could undermine the economy of the UK.

The new body - now renamed the National Center for Cyber ​​Security (NCSC) - was opened in the last year the Chancellor.

It is designed to bring the experience of the UK in the cyber one place.

Kieran Martin, now a senior official in the DSP, will be the first head in the NCSC.

"We must have a one-stop shop that people inside and outside the government can go," Matthew Hancock, Minister for the Cabinet Office told the BBC, saying that the NCSC will strive to be an authoritative source in the UK information security information.

The new center is designed to deal with the criticism of the existing mechanisms, as too opaque.

Increased access

DSP is the lead agency on cybersecurity, but because it's secret intelligence service in Cheltenham, it has not always been available or set to exchange information and communicate more broadly.

The new center is designed to remedy this problem by having a foot in the closed world of intelligence and public and corporate spaces.

The center will work with regulators - such as banks - provide advice to the private sector.

It will also work with other government agencies, critical national infrastructure and the wider business community and the public.

The greater the potential risk to the country, the closer the facility is likely to be associated with a particular department or business.

In the event of future violations, such as that of cyber-Talk-Talk in the past year, it is likely to be the center, which acts as the focal point for communications and consultations.

Those involved stress that the role of government is to protect the country from cyber-attacks, and to promote good practice, but that the responsibility for any attack that does take place will still rest with those who owns the data.

NCSC will be based in London and is expected to fully open for business in October.

Along with Ciaran Martin, Dr. Ian Levy, currently technical director of Cyber ​​Security at GCHQ, joined as technical director.

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